Accomplishment #5: longest flight
Even though Amelia Earhart went missing when she tried flying around the world, she still accomplished something. She broke the record of the longest flight without stopping. She flew from Miami Florida starting her 22,000 mile journey to Lae, New Guinae. This was one of the biggest accomplishments she achieved.
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Accomplishment #4: first solo flight across pacific
In January 1935, Amelia decided to fly solo across the Pacific Ocean. She started in Honolulu and flew all the way to Oakland California, completing yet another achievement.
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Accomplishment #3: she got her flying license
After Amelia graduated from the Curtiss School of aviation, she was awarded her pilots license. She was the first woman to get this license and the 17th person( Read more about this at: (
Accomplishment #2: first flight across the Atlantic
Her first huge accomplishment was when she flew the Atlantic Ocean. In may she decided she would like to fly the Atlantic alone this time. She had already flew the ocean with two pilots. She wrote a book about that flight because it was her first major flight. She said to the reporter after she got off the plane that "she felt like a sack of potatoes, just sitting there" and she wanted to try it for herself. On may 20, 1932 she took off from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland and flew to Northern Ireland. When she got back she was a worldwide sensation and proved to every one that she was a brave pilot.(
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Accomplishment #1: flying lessons
Ever since Amelia went to the fair when she was a child she always wanted to fly. When she went to California to visit her sister she decided to take flying lessons. In December 1920 she took her first lesson. And when her lesson was over she said to her instructor ''as soon as I left the ground, I felt myself I had to fly".(
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These are just some of Amelia's greatest accomplishments. She has done so many amazing things in her life.
I really like how you detailed your writing. It gave me a lot of information too.