My first source says that flying is safer than any other method of travel, although its very costly it's safer than driving a car. When you drive by car it takes longer to get to other states and areas and isn't very comfortable.Planes offer food and drinks and if you ride first class you can rent a cabin to sleep in. The modern world would be a very different place if we didn't have flight. Since we have planes we can visit relatives in other parts of the world more often.(
The cost of flying keeps people from traveling by air. It's easier to fill up your car and drive to your destination. Airplanes cause a lot of pollution because they let off greenhouse gases which cause global warming( It costs way to much to fly because prices are really high.
Both sources say flying is the fastest mode of transportation. It's easier to visit relatives that live out of state and its easier to go on business trips for work. The cost of flying is really high and driving is cheaper. The modern world would be a very different place if we didn't have planes to travel to visit people with and we can bring aid to other countries that need help.
Source one says when you travel by plane it's easier to get sick because their is no fresh air. If someone has a cold and coughs or sneezes, all the passengers would be at risk of getting sick. Source two says that if people had a traumatizing plane ride they could become afraid to fly. So many people who are afraid of fly prefer to drive to where ever their going.
I think flying would be a better way to get places because you can travel faster and get to places quicker. You can visit relatives in other areas. Amelia Earhart prefers to fly because she could get to certain places faster and she thought flying was really fun. And loved the way it made her feel.
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