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Throughout the years people have been trying to figure out how to fly like the birds. There were myths about people flying and their was one about a king who captured a pegasus and another one about Icarus making wings of wax and feathers and he flew too high and got to close to the sun and his wings melted causing him to fall. People started thinking of ways to fly themselves after the kite was created in 400 B.C in China. After that people would attach feathers or wood planks to their arms, they would jump and flap their arms trying to fly. This didn't end so well many people got hurt because we are not built like birds their bones are hollow and light. Humans muscles are different than birds also.
Leonardo Di Vinci studied flying and what causes things to fly. He created the flying machine but he never created it. The flying machine was a new way people would try to fly. Many people tried creating it but it all failed.
One day we got hope that we could fly. The Wright brothers created a glider and tested out the different shapes that would be able to fly. After several tries they finally built a
plane. Once it it was created they tested it out and on December 17 1903, Orville Wright piloted the plane as it lifted from the ground. The plane travelled one hundred and twenty feet.(
After this moment people started to create different kinds of planes. Like ones that could carry people to different places and some to carry cargo.
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