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This post will be my last. In this post I will be reflecting on this blog about Amelia Earhart. I will discuss what things I have learned by researching her. I will talk about what were the most challenging things about this blog and finally what is most rewarding.
I learned many things about Amelia but I'm only going to talk about the two most surprising things I learned about her. When Amelia flew the first time I always thought she flew across the Atlantic solo. But while I was researching I found that she actually flew with pilot Wilmer Shultz and co pilot Louis Gordon. She was only a passenger on this flight and didn't do much flying but this sparked her interest of flying solo.
Another thing I found interesting while doing this blog, was that they found parts of her plane by an island. They were doing another search for her plane and looking for things that might be hers. And they were taking pictures of the ocean floor. In the picture they saw what looked like plane parts. On the nearby island they also found some freckle cream and other things too. I thought this was really cool.
Figuring out what to write for certain posts was really hard for me. When I had to do a post on compare and contrast I couldn't think of anything to do it on. And when I had to do a post on what's in the news lately about Amelia it was hard to find stuff on that.
Also time was an issue for me, I felt that on the earlier posts I didn't get enough time to do them. We only got a day to figure out what to write and had to have it typed the next day. We would do two blogs a week.
Learning a lot about Amelia Earhart was really rewarding. I always new a little about Amelia Earhart, so by doing this blog I got to know more and more about who she was and all the different accomplishments she did in her life.
I was getting really sick of doing this project and I'm glad this is the last post. It was fun learning about Amelia but towards the end it was getting boring kind of. And it's great feeling that I accomplished this project and learning more about Amelia.
This is my last post on Amelia Earhart. She has done so many great things and even though doing this blog was hard at times I still loved learning more and more about her great life. Thanks everyone for reading my blog on Amelia.